Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Thing" 21 Flipping the Classroom

The elements of a Flipped Classroom that I find intriguing and beneficial are many.  As II have mentiontioned before, I put strong emphasis on the fact that students can go back and ask questions as many times as they need to to clarify and find understanding without feeling embarrassed or stupid in front of their classmates or the teacher. 

With a flipped classroom, my students can learn from me anywhere and anytime over and over and over again.  It would open up the learning situation in my face-to-face classroom allowing more trials, hands-on enrichment of the information presented to them outside of class, and to focus more on the detail of the lesson and help deeper understanding of all of the levels of my learners. Moreover, flipping my classroom would allow me to do the following "things":

1. Simulate information
2. Expand the visual image they create in their minds through illustrations of the topics
3. Innovate and inspire inventiveness in my learners
4. Engage my students in real time learning and experiences
5. Encourage my students  to make connections to enhance their understanding of a given topic.
6. I can scale down the lessons for studens who learn at a slower pace and provide a lot more examples as a different level than that of the general learner. 
7. Provide parents and/or guardians with a review of the information from their days in school.  Maybe they never fully understood the process of the topic, and my lessons may make it click for them as well.  This way, they feel more confident helping their child at home instead of feeling incompetent.  I know that at paretnt/teacher conferences, there are many times I have that conversation with parents.  They have even come into my room to hear the information presented and the discsussion that we have during class.  Then they have to tools they need to provide a little more support at home.  It is, I have been told, humiliating, but they will do what they have to do to help theri child . . . AMEN!

I plan to flip my classroom by providing more information and lessons on my Weebly site for anytime, anywhere reiteration of topics discussed and modeled face-to-face. I plan to recreate my lessons on the syntax and how it aides in the semantics of our language. Moreover, I can demonstrate more and make it a section of my website for additional exposure. This way, those who want more or want more and are embarrassed or nervous to ask for more help can access the demonstrations from home. Demonstrating the proper use of dialogue in narrative text, forming all of the different ways to show plural possession, and Daily Oral Language examples of proper use of conventions will be great lessons to put out there in the viral world.

One thing that I think would be beneficial to our society, is to have the lessons demonstrated in jargon that parents at any education level will understand.  I think offering a little tutorial and academic information will empower the adults in the home and aide in our success in our classrooms.  Talk about a home-school connection with the student and their caregiver as integral parts of the learning and education process.    

Password for "LKriegl Lessons" on is flivver

This link is also on my Weebly site as a link under the "Grammar" page.  

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