Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thing 7 - Cyber Lesson Plans

STOP Cyber Bullying -

1. K-W-L  on the topic of bullying and cyberbullying including the definitions of the following words: harassing, deceiving, flaming, hate speech. I always begin my lessons with the students writing down or discussing their connotative definitions of vocabulary terms. 
2.Survey to see if the students are cyber bullies and do not even know it. 
3. Use of one of the lesson plans from this website - Lesson: Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line (6-8)
This lesson includes real situations via video.  I can incorporate the statistics and information from our latest presentation on cybersafety from the Attorney General's office.
4. We will conclude by creating street sign posters on the many different facets of cyberbullying and becoming part of the solution, not the problem. 

Checklist for Internet communtication  (Netiquette) -

For this lesson, I will probably have the students divided into groups of  seven or eight.  They will read through the information in each section, take notes on what they interpret, then have them paraphrase the information, so they can create a mini-lesson using overhead transparencies, skits, etc. along with an informational hand-out for their audience. 

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